Welcome to Five Fabulously Frugal Things I’ve Done This Week! This is part of a wonderful link-up of blogs and pictures full of lots of frugal ideas. You can also find the hash tag #5frugalthings over on Instagram.
Sometimes I won’t always have 5 frugal things but I will share what I have been doing regardless.
what I’ve been up to this week
This last fortnight has been a really busy one!
We are looking at getting some double glazing for our house so we are in the process of getting different quotes before we make a decision on who to go with. We have also been looking at a plan to get the money together as we’d like to pay for them outright.
I have taken on two more one-to-one pupils which is fantastic! I love being a tutor. I also had some fantastic news that one of my pupils passed her maths exam and got her results today! Yay!
I had my hair cut last Friday which was a lovely experience, rather embarrassingly I haven’t had my hair cut in months! So I suppose I was being pretty frugal there. Haha! It really did need doing. I also treated myself to having my nails done this week- I put some money away each week for this. I have got a couple of events coming up next week that I wanted nice nails for. More news on that later!
We did our weekly food shop at Lidl and only spent £42 and we got free toilet roll with their welcome card scheme that they have been running.
I’d love to know what you’ve been up to this week.
I’m linking up with Cass, Emma and Becky in this week’s ‘Five Fabulously Frugal things I’ve done this week’ linky.